Depression is a very common problem faced by new mothers, and the studies show that almost 13 percent suffer from postpartum depression.
During pregnancy all the mothers dream about their baby and how well they will take care of them, giving them all love and care. However for some it is not actually as easy as they thought it was.
When everyone is having a new member in the family, you may not be able to be a part of the joy; it is because you might be suffering from a condition known as “Postpartum Depression”. Also almost 80% have baby blues which will last for about two weeks.
Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

Usually the depression can occur within the first month of delivery. You know you are suffering from postpartum depression, if you have the following symptoms:
Hypertensions or Getting irritated quickly for no reason.
Difficulty concentrating
Crying all the time and depressed
Anxiety whether you will be a good mother for your baby
Negative feelings such as crying, moody and being gloomy all the time
Lack of sleep
Loss of appetite or Eating all the time
Body Pain
Stress with the change of routine
This is usually common symptoms experiences by almost all the new mothers this condition can be taken care of by consulting your doctor or going for counseling, but if this condition prolongs for more than four months, than it’s a serious problem of “Postpartum Depression”. The other symptoms are
Getting thoughts of hurting the baby
Getting thoughts of hurting yourself
Not having any interest on the baby.
These are severe as it a thought of hurting, and thus requires immediate treatment. The doctors often ask you many questions to know what kind of depression is affecting you and also sometimes refer you to a mental health professional that is expertise in treating depression.
Often women do not tell that they are suffering from depression, as they feel ashamed or even feel insecure after what other would feel about their situation. Often the doctors presume two kinds of treatment.
- Talk Therapy
This treatment where you can talk opening to your therapist about the problems you are facing and they give you tips to overcome the situation and depression and if required they give counseling too.
- Medicine
Sometimes doctors prescribe antidepressant medicines to overcome depression and their symptoms.
Getting the treatment as early as possible is required as this could affect the baby, and will delay the bonding between you and your baby. Doctors according to your condition can combine both the treatment together as well for more effective recovery.
Apart from the therapy and medicine, you should also follow certain tips at home to recover quickly such as by not overdoing things,
resting while the baby is sleeping,
asking for help,
talking your problems with your spouse and friends and
also by joining a support group i.e., a group of new mothers and discuss your problems with each other and feel at ease.
This my last post for the MyFriendAlexa Campaign, in association with blogchatter
What do you think about post partum depression, have you come across such situation or seen anyone face normal to abnormal depressions after delivery?