Children nowadays have become so much involved with visual treats such as cartoons, television, movies, and video games and so on that making them sit for some time to write has become increasingly difficult. Well, I am facing these problems with my children and feel every mother would do so.
There are certain methods which if done sincerely by you would give a boost in the writing speed of your child. Remember, as a mother or parent you have the responsibility of raising a child who is able to face the world without feeling inferior. And for this you would have to equip him or her with every possible quality you could come up with. Writing would the first and foremost among them.
Give Variety
I feel that the child of today needs variety ? variety in almost everything, and hence to make him write faster you can come up with variety in book design, colours of pencils and pens and so on so that you give something different to write every time you ask him to write.
The First Step
The first step towards making your child faster is to find what actually interests him. And for this you could take a look at your personal library and choose a book that you feel would suit him best. Now go through this book along with your child and discuss how good the book seems for him/her.
If both of you agree about the utility of the book you may proceed further.
Mark Portions
Now sitting with your child mark portions that he/she feels comfortable with, so that he may write it down later. Make sure the number of lines you have chosen to be written is not too long or too short.
Make Him Write
Let the child fix a particular time of the day, evenings fit write for me and my son, and begin writing. The first time he has to write the portion five times. While he is writing make sure you are sitting beside him and overseeing. This would improve his urge to write faster and better.
Fix an Alarm
After the first time you would have an idea of exactly how long you child takes to write the given portion. So now begin fixing the alarm just a few seconds before that. Ask him to write a different portion five times the next day. However this time he has a time constraint within which he has to complete his assignment.
Do not forget to give a gift to your child when he completes in time.
You can slowly reduce the set time and your son would want to write faster and faster to get praises, prizes and also the much awaited approval from you.
Never over do the exercise. You child might simply get bored of writing.
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