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HomeMoney MattersBalancing Work and Family -The Ever Challenging Quandary For a Working Woman

Balancing Work and Family -The Ever Challenging Quandary For a Working Woman


Having a career and building a good profile at work place does not come easy, more so for women. Even in this era with women working and achieving equally to men, the family responsibility from cooking to feeding children and cleaning to the entire health of the family.

The system has infiltrated the very mind of women that you start feeling guilty when someone back home is not well, and especially your children. This is a kind of a paradoxical situation when you can neither perform well at office nor can you be present at home when your child most needs you.

This leaves you  guilty and frustrated, in fact this will bring down your output at both work and at home. One thing you must remember is having a happy family is the best boost to your overall out put and that comes only when you spend quality time with your family. The quantity of time spent is totally different from quality time and make sure to put it to work at the right time and right place.

Here is how you go about balancing work and family life with less hassles and bring about more peace to you.

Be Positive

Begin your day with Being Positive, you in fact are the center of the universe called your home and when you begin your day, your positivity will become contagious and your complete home would transform. Positive energy is very important to maintain harmony at home. Your day would begin with a good note and continue to be so.

Don’t Mix Work and Home

As necessary as it is that one must not lose their focus while at work, it is even more important not to bring work burden (even thoughts) to your home. This is the first and most important rule and works well in balancing work and family life. Work while you work and while at home just relax and spend some quality time with your family.

As far as possible

  • Avoid receiving work related phone calls,
  • Do not check official e-mails and
  • Do not brood over what happened in meetings.

Remember both are different worlds and that you are creating one with the other and that is all the connection that is there between work and home. Nothing else matters more than your family.

Plan Ahead

Planning makes a lot of things easier. spend some time with your husband on weekends in making plans for the week. This way you know when you are required most at home and work accordingly such as your weekly menu, outings if possible, chapters to be covered in your child’s books and so on.

This would save you from getting tensed everyday as to what to prepare. When you plan ahead you can buy groceries and veggies as necessary, saving time and money at one go.

This also will give some relief from confusions as to when to go to a movie or out on dinner.

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Make Sure You Dine Together

Often working parents sit on the couch in front of their television sets while munching on their dinner. This should be an absolute no no. Dinner should be a complete family affair and there should be no room for anything else.

Discuss over dinner on how your day was. Ask your children how and what they did in school that day. Talk to your parents and its ok to even gossip a little to lighten the mood and have a merry time (yes! Gossip can do that).

Create a Bed Time Routine

After dinner, make sure you have a routine with your children and parents. With your children you can either read stories or do some activity together if they are really young, or you can have a constructive discussion about current affairs. You’ll be delighted to know the ideas from young minds.

Your parents may also want to join the discussion and it’s a welcoming gesture, trust me. With your parents you can help them by pressing their legs or just sitting along and talking about some old stories. It may not be the same every day, but a routine is a must.

I cannot overstress the need to maintain a steady sleep time and duration so as to make your complete day tireless and energetic.

Weekly Outing

Have a weekly outing as a mandatory event. It could be some time spent in a park, a movie together, a dinner at your favorite place, Call over your friend’s family to spend an evening or a day, organize some funny games and so on.

However, the weekly outing should not be one that would become a spoilsport in your child’s growth so make it as educative. Miss out a few weekly outings here and there so that your child gets a hang of missing out outings too.

Compulsory Spouse Time

Family, work, parents, children, house and everything else tends to make you reduce time spouse. This is one thing that will actually feel as if you have fallen apart. After all the understanding between you and your spouse is the most important thing and makes the foundation of your family. So every day at least spend an hour speaking to each other.


Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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