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How To Conquer Dampness in Monsoon

Monsoon brings in a lot of happiness to you; especially the conversion from scorching heat to pleasant cool weather is a welcome change. It would be awesome till the day you hear the pitter-patter somewhere in ear you. Yes! The leakage and the dampness it causes inside your home.

Leakage not only brings moisture with it but also the associated irritants such as spores of fungi and bacteria, which seem to flourish in no time and cover your damp walls in no time. This becomes actually serious when your children are small and need to be guarded against common cold and other diseases caused by these very tiny organisms.

Rainy season already comes with communicable diseases problem which can be avoided by taking enough precautions. However when your home harbors causative organisms, you can consider yourself in dire situations and your family in trouble.

How to Avoid Leakage and Dampness At Home

Thus to avoid serious illness and allergic conditions it is imperative that you take precautions before it is too late.

Precaution Is Better Than Cure


Making a thorough check of your home from the exterior and interior prior to monsoon is very important. All you need to do is to check for any leakage prone spots of the earlier monsoon and for newer cracks in the building.

You can spot these areas and try ted to it, Oh yes there are ways you can mend them on the go, Try Dr. Fixit Dampguard, 1 Kg

During Monsoon

If you have missed your precautionary phase, you still can make necessary mends. Though it becomes difficult for you to work during monsoons, you need to find a small gap when it is not raining and do the needful.

The best way to do so is using Dr Fixit!

You can easily fix the cracks and seepage points on your wall without needing to worry that they would give way.

In fact using Dr Fixit you can be assured that walls will remain dry throughout the monsoon and after, never giving in to the ever ready spores of disease causing microorganisms to spread their filaments through them.

Professional Expertise and Solution

If you are too worried about the dampness and leakage issues, you could ask for professional help from companies like Dr Fixit who have expertise in such situations and are equipped with knowledge as well as experience to deal with them. They would inspect your site and suggest timely recommendations to overcome them.

In fact these companies also have well trained applicators who are quite acquainted with waterproofing buildings to T and would do a wonderful job leaving your home safe, clean and leakage proof.

Water Proofing Your Homes – The Need of the Hour

Waterproofing your homes in fact is very important, mainly due to the changing climatic conditions, newer variants of microbial population attacking the global arena and the cocooned and overprotected children.

Children of this age are precious and seldom can you take risks and that too within your own home.

They have recently launched the “Magar ye ho na saka” TVC featuring Amitabh Bachchan in it which talks about the very important aspect of building a house. Check it out Here.

Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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