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Why Is Dates A Super Food And How Is It Beneficial For Your Health

Why is Date A Super Food And How Is It Beneficial For Health
Why is Date A Super Food And How Is It Beneficial For Health

From the time the Dates were discovered, they were known to have healing powers. In actual, dates have the power to protect our body’s cells against damage from free radicals. That is why dates a super food with extraordinary powers.

Dates are mainly produced and exported from countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq. In addition to the healing powers, they are a good source of energy, fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Here are some Interesting Facts about Dates

  • Dates – a super food is one of nature’s perfect foods. 3 percent of earth’s cultivated surface is covered with date palms and around 4 million tons of dates are grown annually.
  • Date palm represents growth and vitality in Israel and Saudi Arabia.
  • People who add the most percentage of dates in their diet have the lowest rates of cancer.
  • The date palms grow in alkaline soils where no other plants can.
  • Date palms require sunny days of 100 degrees for 100 days for a good production.
  • Dates have a longer shelf life and can be stored for emergency food rations.


Why is Dates a Super food and How is it beneficial to our Health?

  • Control Blood Sugar Level

People have a wrong belief that dates raise the blood sugar levels, but this is not true. Dates do contain high amounts of natural sugars However, as they are low-glycemic index food, they do not raise blood sugar levels after being consumed. Talk to the doctor before adding dates in your food, monitor your sugar levels and then feel the difference.

  • Loaded With Fiber

One date contains around 6 percentage of the daily recommended intake of fiber.

These are insoluble fiber and hence, it binds to the fat and cholesterol and flushes it out of the body.

  • Lowers triglycerides level in Blood

Dates are helpful in lowering the triglyceride levels in the blood. This in turn results in lowering the risk of hardening of arteries, stroke and heart attack.

  • Good Source Of Vitamins and Minerals

The vitamins present in dates are vitamin B (especially vitamin B-6), Vitamin K and Vitamin A. Dates also contain minerals like Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron and Zinc. People who snack on dates give the body the necessary vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining optimum health.

The Three Types Of Dates You Should Know

Dates are categorized into three main categories: dry, soft and semisoft.

  1. Dry Dates are those that contain little moisture. They are not dried or dehydrated as in case of other dried fruits.
  2. Semi-soft dates are firm textured. Some of the semi-soft dates available in the market are Deglet Noor dares, Medjool dates, and Zahidi dates.
  3. Soft dates are usually tender, syrupy and thin-skinned. Some of the soft dates available in the market are Barhi dates, Halawy dates, and Khadrawy dates.

You can buy from here

Why is Date A Super Food And How Is It Beneficial For Health
Why is Dates A Super Food And How Is It Beneficial For Health

Further Dates are fresh during fall and winter as they are harvested at that time.

Dates are of great nutritional value. So, try to include them in your daily diet and get a quick boost of energy!

Why is Date A Super Food?
Why is Dates A Super Food?



Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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