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HomeMeditation calms your mind20 Natural Home Remedies For Health -1

20 Natural Home Remedies For Health -1

There are a number of natural home remedies for every kind of health issue you might have, In fact I have totally become overwhelmed by the ease of use of these home remedies and also their availability.

Natural home remedies gives you relief to the actual problem rather than the symptoms, also natural home remedies do not cause bad side effects

If you read my posts regularly you will easily sense that most of my recent posts are about natural home remedies, self care and how to keep yourself healthy using kitchen ingredients. All this is because I have thoroughly learnt what it actually means to be sick from a recent illness I had to accidentally suffer. 

It all began with a pain in my lower back, I had approached a popular physiotherapist looking to get some ease from pain. He mistakenly gave me occupressure in wrong places leading to muscle inflammation at three points through which the nerve passes. Well, Instead of getting cured I ended up expressing the signs of a sciatica or a flash nerve pain travelling across the spine to the toe. 

I could hardly sit, lie down on my back or walk – for 2 complete months I was on total bed rest.

During this period I went through a series of treatments, medications, therapies and steroids to control sciatica – which actually was not there in the nerve. Even after repeatedly telling the doctors that I did not have nerve pain and I was very sure that it was muscle pain – none were ready to listen to me. 

With my home getting gloomy by the day, the children skipping their schedules and studies and me feeling as if I am nearing a situation where to even sleep rightly seemed like a dream – I resorted to natural home remedies for help.

The first thing I did was to get up and get moving (slowly in the begining and normally soon after).

Then I checked up on a local massager and got her to come home and give me oil massages (oils I chose) with less pressure in slow movements – but I did this regularly. I began taking herbal tea, calcium supplements and meditation sessions for self curing – I could feel the pain slowly subsiding.

And finally I began preparing a menu that includes food for each part of my body and would strengthen and keep my complete body healthy. It has been a tough journey but I did learn a lot in it.

Today if you ask me what I would want as gift and what I would gift to someone special – I would say health! So this being the prompt for #WordsMatter, I felt I should bring all the research I have been doing for the past two months into a post.

Yes! Health is the real wealth- and I learnt it through experience.

I feel I should pass this knowledge on – and I have compiled all that I learned, so if any one has any difficulty regarding the health they can easily check back and do take the right natural home remedy that suits them. 

I have experienced that food is the first and foremost medicine and has the power to protect any every organ in the body. This was what was observed in Ayurveda too.

Ayurvedic treatments is based on the principle of a healthy diet, food that is fresh and natural. Avoid food which is processed and those with preservatives. To reap the full benefit of the food for optimal health 

  1. Consume a diet consisting of organic vegetables and fruits.
  2. Visit your local Farmers Market to buy fruits, vegetables, and spices rich in antioxidants and natural brain health boosters.

Let us begin from the head – particularly the brain.

Natural Home Remedies to Keep Brain Healthy 

According to Ayurveda mental performance or brain health is controlled by three aspects
1. Dhi – The ability to understand and learn and is controlled by Vata dosha.

2. Dhriti – is processing capacity and analysis and is controlled by Pitta Dosha,

3. Smriti – is the ability to remember and memory power. Kapha Dosha controls Smriti.

These three aspects in our body control the mental ability of a person. These factors should be balanced and must be optimum for a person to have the best performance of the brain. These three factors can be maintained or controlled by diet, lifestyle, and sleeping habits.

Curry leaves or Kadi Patta – For Health

The humble curry leaves or kadi patta, which we commonly keep aside while we eat is loaded with so many health benefits for health that you sure are going to be left speechless.

Curry leaves have vitamins and polyphenols and also cinnamaldehyde that scavenge free radicals and remove toxins from your body. It helps in preventing neuro degenerative disorders #CurryleavesforHealth #BrainHealth

It s common knowledge that curry leaves benefits the growth of hair, good skin, eyesight and brain health. Curry leaves are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, polyphenols, and alkaloids like mahanimbine and mahanine.

However when I was trying to get rid of toxin accumulation in my body due to intake of steroids I found that our own karuvaepillai or meetha neem is all that I needed. Curry leaves contain an organic compound called cinnamaldehyde (the natural compound is responsible for the aroma and flavour of leaves).

Studies show that leaves of curry plant are rich in antioxidants with prolific free radical scavenging activities. They can ameliorate steroid induced gastric damage and when taken regularly can revert toxic effects of such medications.

Most of the Asian cuisine have curry leaves in the recipe like vada, kadi, rasam, and as curry leaves powder added to hot steamed rice and desi ghee is a delicacy.

I began taking curry leaves chutney or Karuvaepillai thovayal, to get rid of unwanted effects of steroid medications I had to take, I learnt it also helps to maintain brain health and prevent neurogenerative disorders.

Studies show polyphenols in curry leaf helps to treat cognitive mental disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. Take Karuvaepillai thovayal for 45 days regularly; there will be an improvement in memory and development in mental health.

( The important reason why you should take green tea)

How to prepare curry leaves chutney or Karuvaepillai thovayal


  • 1 cup of Curry leaves and Karuvaepillai leaves
  • A piece of ginger and tamarind
  • 1 – 2 red dried red chillies
  • ¼ teaspoon of Mustard seeds
  • One teaspoon urad dhal
  • One teaspoon chenna dhal
  • Cooking time – 10 minutes


  • Heat a teaspoon of cooking oil in a pan, add urad dhal, chenna dhal, red chillies, ginger, tamarind, and curry leaves and sauté this for 1 minute.
  • The color of curry leaves should not change for full nutritional values.
  • Let this mixture cool down to room temperature and blend it in a mixer or blender. Add very little water and salt as desired.
  • Grind it to a coarse paste. Add a spoon of cooking oil and heat in a pan, add mustard seeds, and let it splutters.
  • Garnish the Karuvaepillai thovayal with mustard seeds. Serve with rice, idlis, dosas, and rotis.

Lotus flower-infused water or Lotus tea

There many medicinal drinks like green tea, lemongrass tea, however lotus flower when it comes to brain health – lotus flower infused tea is the best to reduce anxiety, sleep disorders and improve mental peace.

Lotus flowers are rich in alkaloids, which can prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

How to make lotus tea for reducing alzheimer’s

Lotus Tea is a rich source of alkaloids that prevent onset of Alzheimers, reduces anxiety and also improves sleep and mental peace. #LotusTea #LotusforHealth


  • One lotus flower
  • 3 cups of water
  • Cooking time – 5 minutes

Boil 1 Tamaraipoo or lotus flower with 3 cups of water for 5 minutes. Strain lotus flower-infused water and take it three times daily for 48 days.

Henna For Mental Peace

Henna or maruthani as we call in Tamil helps to improve mental peace and maintains psychological health. Application of henna at least 2 times in a year is advised. It has cooling properties in the brain cells and improves its performance.

I used to wonder why we have all those festivities specially to apply mehandi.

Indian Pennywort

Do you remember our moms giving a few brain shaped leaves while we used to study in school – with a tangy taste, those are the Indian Pennywort, also called vallarai or brahmamanduki, are an ideal brain tonic. Vallarai has been used in Vedic medicine over many years as a memory enhancer, to cure ulcer in the mouth and stomach.

Indian Pennywort or brahmamanduki/gotu kola can be had as raw leaves or made into chutney with spices. Take vallarai leaves at least once a week to get full benefits for brain health and mental clarity.

How to prepare Vallarai or gotu kola chutney


  • 1 cup valarai leaves
  • One teaspoon ghee
  • Pinch of Himalayan salt
  • Cooking time – 5 minutes


  • Heat ghee in a pan and sauté valarai leaves for 2 minutes with the color of leaves remain intact or same.
  • Add salt as desired and some black pepper powder to make it more palatable.
  • It is a perfect combo with hot steamed rice.
  • Include valarai leaves often in your diet for improved mental health and memory.
  • This recipe is great for kids at school to increase memory power and remembrance.
  • Tip – Never add tamarind in this recipe as the nutritional property of vallarai leaves will be lost.

You can also make vallarai kootu with channa dhal and also vallarai masiyal. I have tried all of these in pursuit of getting rid of the hazy feeling I used to get because of the effect the excessive use of neuro relaxants prescribed to me.

Coconut – The Brain Food

I am a coconut person, I would anyday have a spoonful of coconut oil. However until late I never knew I was doing something great for my brain.

Coconut is an excellent brain food as its medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) serve as fuel in running the brain. Ketones come from MCT when processed, and these ketones are used as fuel for the brain to function when the availability of glucose in the blood is low.

Under normal healthy conditions, glucose is the fuel for brain function, but when in an emergency condition, ketone from coconut is used backup energy supplier to keep up the brain cell activity.

It is advised to take two pieces of coconut regularly for brain activity and performance. You can take coconut oil regularly first thing in the morning. This will help in getting other antioxidants that you take such as turmericbe absorbed better by the body.

( Coconut oil is on par with mothers milk in nutrition – know how )

Indian plum or Indian jujube to maintain healthy nerves

Indian plum or Indian jujube is called as elantha pazham in Tamil and ber in Hindi. Medicinal properties include curing ulcers, liver diseases, improve the cognitive ability of brain cells and in treating asthma.

Dried or fresh Indian plum or Indian jujube has almost the same nutritional benefits. Indian plum contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and essential micronutrients.

They also contain organic compounds such as malic acid, oxalic acid, and quercetin. Indian plum improves the neurological activity of cells and maintains the health of nerve cells.

How to prepare Indian plum or Indian jujube or ber juice


  • 1 cup of Indian plum or ber
  • ½ – 1 teaspoon powdered palm sugar or honey
  • Cooking time – 5 minutes


Deseed ber fruits and blend a cup of ber or elantha pazham with powdered palm sugar or honey as a natural sweetener. Drink this juice regularly. Indian plum juice will help in rejuvenating brain cells and improves its cell activity.

How To Protect Nervous System With Food

In Ayurveda, Vata dosha controls the nervous system. External stress conditions govern Vata dosha. Too much stress will hurt the nervous system, causing premature aging and other nerve-related disorder.

Under stress conditions, good microbes in large intestines receive the stress signals and send messages to the brain. The brain signals the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline hormones typical when the body is under unfavourable conditions.

Ayurveda recommends meditation techniques, eat fresh food, and good sleep for a healthy nervous system.

Some food that you can have for a healthy nervous system are listed below with recipes.

Taro or Arbi – To Help Your Nervous System

Taro or Colocasia has its ayurvedic medicinal properties in strengthening the nervous system. Studies have proved the effect of taro on treating Central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Taro roots contain biochemical compounds such as flavonoids, β-sitosterol, and steroids know for pharmacological activity on diseases related to the nervous system.

Taro is called as arbi in Hindi and seppam kizhangu in Tamil. They are used widely used in Indian cuisine to make dishes as gravy or deep-fried, which is an excellent combo with hot rice and Rotis.

Figs – The best brain food

Figs is fantastic brain food. It contains essential minerals and vitamins much needed for brain and nerve system functioning. Fig is called as athi pazham in Tamil and anjeer in Hindi.

Take fig fruit dipped in honey for 45 days to experience its nutritional benefits on the brain and nervous system. It is the best low-calorie snack with only 45 calories in each medium-sized fig fruit. United states department of agriculture recommends consuming at least 2 cups of fig for mental health. The brain needs potassium for the transfer of electrical signals through the neurons.

Figs are rich in potassium, which is an essential nutrient for the transmission of brain signals. They are rich in vitamin B6 for producing neurotransmitters like dopamine or serotonin. These two neurotransmitters are necessary for sleep and a mood stimulant.

Single fig fruit contains 0.073 milligrams of Vitamin B6, and three fig fruits will meet the daily requirement for proper nerve cell function. Manganese mineral in fig is vital for maintaining the amount of glutamate in the brain. Usually, brain cells contain glutamate in low amounts for promoting nerve cell activity. But when in higher quantities, they cause hindrance to nerve cell function by increasing the activity of nerve cells.

Manganese activates enzymes in the body to convert glutamate to glutamine and prevent an increase in glutamate levels. One fig fruit contains 0.07 milligrams of manganese, and 3 fig fruits will satisfy the daily requirements. Take fig fruit as fresh or dried regularly to see improvement in the nervous system.

Natural Home Remedies For Good Eyesight

Most of eye related health problems are because of the imbalance in pitta dosha in Ayurveda. Age-related vision issues are due to a decrease or imbalance of pita dosha. Eat vitamin A and vitamin C rich food to help in the detoxifying eye of free radicals and improving vision in kids and grownups.

I am a laptop person and so feel that I need to take care of my eyes with extra care. I found some food very useful for eyes and to maintain better eyesight.

Saffron – Best eye protector

Saffron is rich in plant carotenoids, and this helps to prevent age-related irreversible blindness in humans over 50 years called macular degeneration. Saffron is a culinary spice from the crocus flower and stops the breakdown of light-sensitive cells called macula found in the retina of eyes. They also aid in retinal cell health and vision.

Take 20 mg of saffron for one year has a desirable effect in preventing or worsening of macular generation in aging adults. Saffron is rich in alpha-carotene; a yellow pigment protects the retinal cells and prevents its degeneration. Saffron also vision-enhancing nutrients like alpha-carotene, they contain vitamin B2, carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. Make sure to buy original or pure saffron without contaminants to prevent other health complications.

How to prepare saffron-infused milk

This is my saviour. Boil 1 cup of milk and soak 2-3 strings of saffron petals for 5 -10 minutes. Take this saffron-infused milk regularly for good eyesight.

Mango and Papaya – For Healthy Eyes

Mango and Papaya are rich in vitamin C for good vision and prevent cataracts in the eyes. Mango and papaya are rich in vitamin A; this prevents dryness in the eyes and prevents night blindness.
Take 50 grams of mango and papaya regularly in your diet for healthy eyes.

Green leafy vegetables

Araikerrai leaves (Amaranthus leaves) for cooling effect on eyes and maintains the health of retinal cells. Moringa leaves (Drumstick leaves) and ponnakanni leaves in Tamil / gudari saag in Hindi / sessile joy weed must be a regular addition to your diet as these greens also have vitamins and minerals for healthy eyes.

Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. They also contain vitamin A and vitamin C, which prevent early-onset of eye-related disorders and cataracts.

Lady’s finger or Okra

Okra or Lady’s finger is vegetable with high fibre content, vitamins, and minerals for eyesight and gut health. Dishes with Lady’s finger-like more kuzhambu or Lady’s finger buttermilk gravy is the most popular Indian recipe in south India.
Lady’s finger Moru kozhambu recipe or Lady’s finger buttermilk gravy


  • Lady’s finger 100 grams
  • Buttermilk 2 cups
  • Toor dhal or chenna dhal( Indian lentils) – 1 teaspoon
  • Grated fresh coconut two teaspoons
  • Jeera or cumin seeds ½ teaspoon
  • Green chillies – 2
  • Pinch of asafetida or Hing
  • Ginger – a small slice
  • To garnish or tadka
  • Red chillies – 1-2
  • Few curry leaves
  • Mustard – 1 teaspoon
  • Cooking time 10 – 15 minutes


  • Soak toor dhal or chenna dhal ( Indian lentils) in water for 15 minutes. Blend the soaked lentils with coconut, jeera and green chillies with little water to make into a smooth paste.
  • Heat 2 teaspoons of cooking oil and sauté the ladyfinger for 4 -5 minutes till it is half cooked.
  • Add blend mixture of lentils, spices, and coconut to the Okra or ladyfinger in the pan and stir 1 minute.
  • Take care as it may start to burn on high heat, so reduce your flame to low or medium.
  • Now add buttermilk to the pan with ladyfinger mixture, also add some more water to a desirable consistency.
  • Heat it at low flame for 5 -6 minutes. Temper the gravy or Lady’s finger Moru kozhambu recipe or Lady’s finger buttermilk gravy with mustard, red chillies, and curry leaves. Relish with hot steaming rice or Rotis.

Meditation and yoga for health

In our recent walks of life, time is a constraint. Most people spend more than 6 hours of the day before the computer, so find time to rest your brain and eyes. Meditating with thumb and index finger clinched together helps to improve anxiety, mental peace, stress buster, and prevent onset stress-related disorders.

The routine practice of yoga for eyes will help in improving concentration and vision. Our generation has their eyes glued on to screens and digital media; it is a healthier option to follow a regular meditation and yoga for eyes.

Natural Home remedies To Improve Haemoglobin In Blood

Improving your haemoglobin content in blood naturally
Natural Home remedies To Improve Haemoglobin In Blood

Ayurveda recommends herbs and a healthy diet to remove toxins and purify the blood. Ayurvedic recommendations help in reducing the bad pitas and improves the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the bloodstream. Regular meals without skipping, keeping the body hydrated, eating fresh fruits, veggies, reducing anger, and stress has a long way to keep your blood healthy.

Beetroot to increase haemoglobin

Take Beetroot juice two times a day to increase the production of red blood cell count(RBC). Beetroot is rich in nitrates; these nitrates are converted into nitrites by various reactions inside the body. Nitrites aids in maintaining blood pressure and proper blood flow. One cup of beetroot juice has 100 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrates. Beetroot juice is a good source for folate, Vitamin C, antioxidants, nitrates, and fibre. They give stamina and an energy booster during workouts.

Grape juice

Take one cup of grape juice mixed with one teaspoon of honey is the best potion to purify the blood. Grape juice is an excellent home remedy for hypertension. Recent research has found grape juice aids in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They slow down the rate of LDL oxidation and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Grape juice also prevents blood clots from being formed.


Take 1 cup of yogurt regularly to treat heart blocks. Regular intake of yogurt will reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They are low in calories and are the healthiest source of protein, calcium, and probiotics.

Wood apple

Wood apple has antimicrobial activity in blood. Regular intake of wood apple will help to purify the blood by killing germs and microbes. Wood apple is also called as villam pazham in Tamil and bael or kaitha in Hindi is tropical fruit and native to Asian countries. They are seasonal produce and used to treat diabetes, ulcers, constipation, liver, and kidney diseases.

Cumin water or jeera water

Boil 2 litres of water with jeera or soak jeera for 10 hours. Take jeera water regularly in a day for purifying the blood and aids the body in fighting germs or microbes.

Eat seasonal fruits

Eating seasonal fruits helps to improve the overall health of the body. Seasonal fruits like ber are an excellent choice for the nervous system and blood.

Natural Home Remedies for Healthy Teeth

Mango leaf powder

Mango leaf powder can be used to brush teeth, which always prevents dental cavities. They are natural without any added chemicals. Mango leaf powder can be prepared by drying the leaves and grind them to a fine powder.

Ivy gourd

Ivy gourd helps to strengthen the teeth and improve dental health. They are called as Kovai pazham in Tamil and tindora in Hindi. Include Ivy gourd/ tindora in your diet by making recipes like sautéed ivy gourd curry.

Red banana

Take red banana before bedtime as they prevent or heal bleeding gums. They also prevent the formation of dental cavities.

Chewing your food well and slowly

Ayurveda recommends chewing your food well and slowly. This habit strengthens teeth and aids in the proper digestion of food. Well chewed food is easily absorbed in the intestine with the supply of more nutrients to all the cells in the body.

This post is part of #WordsMatter blog hop. I received this tag from Esha M Dutta at Mysoultalks. It’s my pleasure to pass on this tag to Reema D’Souza at The Write World. There are 25  of us on this Blog Hop and it will be spread over 3 days – 6th, 7th and 8th December  2019. Do follow the #WordsMatter Blog Hop and prepare to be surprised! 

Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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