The Miracle Of Mindfulness – Motherhood and Me

I am writing this post as part of a blog train hosted by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies with other 41 amazing moms who have come together to share their journey on ‘How Motherhood Has Changed MeÂ
To me Motherhood has been a Miracle, Yes! Miracle of Mindfulness. From the time I was pregnant with my first child I changed completely from inside. It was a feeling of added responsibility that I have been showered with.
Intelligence and Behavior
Children inherit their intelligence from their genes but their behavior is a cumulative effect of the environment, genes and what they are regularly exposed to.
This is what I have believed from when I began understanding mindfulness. And I have made use of this understanding really well.
I have been very clear in certain rules that I made once I knew I was pregnant and ardently followed them.
Practicing Mindfulness During Pregnancy and After
I have been a very strong believer that human mind has the power to attract what it needs – all you should know is how to actually attract.
For this I had begun my mindfulness practice right during my pregnancy. It was a time tested practice and I was keen on practicing without fail on a daily basis.
So from a very nonchalant person I started becoming a person who was weighing her deeds before doing them.
I began becoming composed and also my though process began getting wider.
Mindfulness – The Practice
I practice mindfulness along with my children these days (husband too, but since we are talking only about motherhood today, I am not including my husbands mindfulness practice and how he de-stresses him-selves).
My children have become more grounded and behave well (of course they have their masti too, they are children and being naughty is what we expect of them).
I Treat My Children As Individuals and Not Our Extensions, and this has given a lot of space for my kids to make an identity for themselves uniquely, nothing copied.
I Began Becoming More Socially Responsible
I have two very energetic boys (Now! don’t give me that – Oh you gonna get a lot of dowry look, I sure am not going to be that normal Indian Mom). So my first thoughts about bringing them up to face this society is to make them aware of what is going on around them.
I never miss out on what is happening around me, specially in India and the world. Watching NEWS and discussing about it is something that has become a habit in our family. We do not hesitate to debate if one of us feels strongly to oppose to others.
It is evident that my children know about politics, sports, financial developments and of course the recent social media trends.
When there was a major flood in Chennai, my children worked with me in supporting remotely the people in need and connecting them with food and shelter that was available close by. They stood shoulder to shoulder with me in extending a helping hand along with me. In fact I could see empathy in their eyes which made me feel elated and proud – and they were a couple of years younger then.
The same was seen during the Jallikattu issue
I Have Started Preaching Equality At Home
I know every woman is a feminist by heart, Of course I call myself feminist too. For me feminism is not asking for equality, I know I am not inferior by any means and I just take care that I get my piece of cake when it is served.
In fact I feel if men understand that women are counterparts of this society and there is no need to feel that they were sent across to take care of their home, parents and children, this earth would see happier families.
Also I believe that many of these evils that we see these days such as sexual assault, molestation, domestic violence and abuse occur due to the fact that men are not taught properly at home.
Being a mom, I strongly feel you need to teach your sons that women are to be treated with respect. I have never let them take women for granted or speak words that may degrade women. That is why I also teach my kids to cook, clean and do their work themselves (an ongoing process of course)
I Am Ready To Fight Anywhere, Anytime – Against Injustice
Be it a school PTM or in a crowded temple, if I feel there is something that is not right I never think twice to raise my voice. I know my children will do so too when it is their turn. This has brought about a lot of confidence in my children.
They know I will stand by them if they were right.
They know I will not be scared to fight against anyone if the need be. This is something that I have subconsciously instilled in them – a miracle of mindfulness I have always been grateful about.
I Work Hard On Anything I Do
I am pursuing my PhD (almost completing) and while I am at it I make sure I learn my subjects well, prepare for every exam and do my projects promptly. I can see appreciation in my childrens’ eyes everytime I do something sincerely.
They learnt from me these simple things and I have always felt content about that.
Even when I am blogging or Dealing with my sales in SIM Organics, my children come by to check on the what is going on, what it is that I am writing about and how I am doing in my business.
For a 10 year old and 7 year old – they are doing exemplarily well and I am glad I am working hard everyday so that I could show my children all these things
In fact I have understood from the beginning that parenting is not teaching our children how to behave but by living as you want your children to live
Life is full of surprises – every new day brings with it something new to learn too.
So as I was telling you in the begining this is a blog train and next in line is Jamie Chaw, my fellow blogger from Karmie’s blog
A geeky software engineer, turned air stewardess (her childhood dream), turned SAHM (her lifetime dream)!!! She super loves travelling and is now on her biggest travel across the globe living in USA with her Mr. Hubby and 2 Chindian (Malaysian Chinese + IndianÂ
Make sure you visit her blog to read her take on motherhood.