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HomeUncategorizedHappiness Is A Measure of Content - #HappySunday

Happiness Is A Measure of Content – #HappySunday

Happiness is defined as ‘ How well a person likes the life he lives’

So how well do you like the life you are living now?

How content are you in the life you are living?

Happiness Is A State of Mind

Happiness is a state of mind

To be happy all you need to do is – know what makes you happy.

Try this small practice

  • Take your diary and Pen
  • Make three columns
  • Write down 10 things that make your happy in column 1 (may be person, situation, place)
  • Now against each point write how that thing makes you happy (talking about a particular situation, that place reminds you of your childhood and so on)
  • In column three write what will bring that thing Add to instantly to your mind ( the early morning breeze, your partners smile, coffee fragrance)
What makes me happy How it makes me happy Instance That Reminds me
My Moms Place Reminds my childhood days Morning Breeze

So here is an example

After you have written down 10 points, go through them once more, tick those that bring a smile to you.

Now close your eyes and practice.

How do you become Happy Instantaneously

Let me tell your the instant technique of becoming happy

  • Close your eyes and bring the mental picture of column three.
  • The morning breeze in the example – see early morning, feel the breeze, embrace yourself with the feeling and now you are reminded of the second column – your childhood days.
  • You would instantly feel yourself smiling – and yes from within.
  • This technique works good at times when you are really tired or depressed.
  • Try it and give me your feedback.

Happiness and Me -The One Day In My Life I was Very Happy

Is there a day when you have been the Happiest?

Would you like to share it with us? We are all ears for it.

To hear your happy stories I am cohosting with Mayuri this linky party every Sunday!

I believe Sunday is the best day to start a happy week and thus its #HappySunday Every Sunday from now on.

How To Participate in #HappySunday

  • Every Sunday we will give your a prompt
  • Follow @Menakabharathi and @Mayuri in twitter check for the prompt on every Saturday.
  • Write about your happy times in line with your prompt
  • Copy paste the Html of the Happiness Badge at the end of your post
  • Link up with MenakaBharathi or Mayuri
  • Read Comment and share on the host or cohost links and at least two posts from the links.
Happy Sunday
Happy Sunday


Simple Indan Mom






Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.
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